My Goals for the Future

02 Sep 2023


My interest in computer science started when I was young. I would come home after school and finish my homework with enough time to play video games. I quickly learned that there is so much customization that can go into video games to make it a completely different experience. In high school, I took my first computer science course, and I was given a new perspective on what I could do with programming.

I have taken computer science courses from many different colleges and universities, which have given me different perspectives and introduced me to different techniques and ideas for my future. At UH Manoa, my interest in both cybersecurity and front-end development sparked. Technology will always be a part of our world making almost all our personal information connected to technology. I think what interested me was seeing my parents struggle with internet safety, and it sparked the want to work on keeping personal information secure for everyone.

In the future, I would like to improve my coding skills to be able to use them in front-end programming. I enjoy being able to visualize my work, so front-end programming is perfect for me. To do this I plan on not only improving my Java and JavaScript skills but also studying Python as well. One of the most important skills I also want to improve is my ability to work in teams. Up until now, I have only done coding projects by myself. As I hone in on my skills, I am excited to collaborate with other team members on new projects.