Software Development Techniques

13 Dec 2023

Reflect on Software Engineering

In my ICS 314 class, we went over a lot of different topics that helped tie together our final project which was to create a website that directly benefits the UH Manoa community. However, these techniques do not only apply to web development but many other disciplines of software engineering. Although we mainly focused on web development coding languages, I gained many other valuable skills through this course.


Agile programming

Agile programming is one of the most important things I learned during this course. Although I had a bit of experience learning about it in previous classes, this was my first time practicing it. Agile programming is defined as an approach to managing software development projects that incorporates customer feedback. For our final project, we practiced using Agile programming by meeting up with our team after finishing and during our assigned tasks. I believe that this helped keep us all on schedule without overlapping each other's work. It also helped us stay accountable for our work as we aimed to have at least one thing done per meeting. Although there are other project management programming techniques, I feel like agile programming is the best when working directly with clients, especially when user reviews are important.


Open-source software development

Open-source software was also integral to our final project. Open-source software is software that is publicly available for people to modify or share. There is a plethora of open-source software on the internet, and some are more well-known to others. During our project, we found it very beneficial to add new aspects to our project, such as adding profile pictures and creating special filters in the captions of posts. Not only was it convenient, but the community reviews helped us determine if it was safe and reliable to use.